Phone Number
605 852-2747 or 605 852-2737

The Dormitory is open, and accepting new student applications at this time.
Dormitory facilities are available for students 7th-12th grade. Both off-reservation and local students may reside in the dormitories.
News and Announcements
The school is allowing all on and off reservation students to attend as long as the student is fully vaccinated and has a negative COVID test prior to coming to Crow Creek.
The dorms will have a maximum of two students per room on the boys and girl’s sides. The school still has a mask mandate regardless of vaccination due to the COVID Variant.
The dorms will open on August 12 for all athletes of Volleyball, Cross Country, and Football. All other students will be able to enter the dorms on August 26. All students entering the dorms must have an approved and completed application.
Please check back later for updates!